There are 148 named colors in HTML and CSS that you can use by name in your web development projects. The colors are divided into 17 basic colors and 131 additional colors.
Most resources you check online will say there are only 147 named colors, but there is a 148th very special color: rebeccapurple that was included in the spec many years ago to honor the daughter of one of the web's/css' pioneers (Eric meyer).
Each named color has a corresponding hexadecimal code that represents the color value. For example, the hex code for the color red is #FF0000, which represents the intensity of the red, green, and blue (RGB) channels. You can use these hex codes to specify colors in your HTML and CSS code. is a collection of a bunch of random "things"... randomizers, handy information, and whatever we decide to have some fun with. We hope you enjoy!